Bonnie C - CM Information Specialist

Bonnie came to Performance In Motion for business coaching. After 22 years of running her business, CM Information Specialists, she knew she needed to find ways to do it outside of herself. She had doubts that were preventing her company from achieving its potential, and her company’s management team had a similar mindset. It was important for Bonnie to learn to let go. Like most business owners letting go of control to grow the business is not always easy. Performance In Motion helped me to broaden my perspectives, and become aware of how to coach my management team to become leaders.
On the golf side, Bonnie never really considered herself a golfer and had doubts on the course. The medium of golf was crucial because she realized she could do things she did not think were possible on the course. Knowing that she was capable of these breakthroughs on the course, she also recognized that she was capable of much more in her business.
Through Performance In Motion, Bonnie and her team learned that their thoughts controlled their performance and they needed to develop better thought processes for success. It was important for them not to get stuck in the daily motions of business and look forward to where they wanted to be. Bonnie compared her business challenges to those she recognized in golf: “We find out the target is not the ball nor how to hit the ball, but the target is where we want the ball to go. We used to get stuck in the process; now we have set our intention on the target, with techniques that allow us to remain open to the possibilities.”
In order to help Bonnie and her team look forward, we focused on their vision. By creating a vision, they could then determine which steps to take in order to achieve it. One strategy we used to plan out achieving this vision was customized scorecards for the business. On these scorecards, each member filled out a number of goals – par-3 goals (short-term), par-4 goals (a little farther out), and par-5 goals (long-term) – for business. By sharing their visions with each other, they began to recognize what was important to their team members, creating synergy within the group. By knowing what was important to their co-workers in life, each member could help the others work towards their goals.
In the short-term, Bonnie and her team saw increased sales and profitability. Within two and a half years, their sales had tripled. Bonnie also saw communication improve within her management team. As a result, all members were engaged and working toward common goals. During the process, the team also became more aware of their clients’ needs, so they could not only provide better service they could also expand into other areas.
They also prepared their business to be attracted and sold in a way that allowed the buyer to step into the company and take over with an easy transition.
The Journey (beyond organized coaching)
After a 8 year run with Performance In Motion, Bonnie had sold her company and it was time to transition out of the company and move into retirement. Bonnie continues to use the tools and techniques that she learned in Performance In Motion to apply to several boards that she serves on, family communications and the joy that she has playing golf and traveling with her husband.
Mark - TV Reporter
Mark was a local television reporter in the Twin Cities area that did a story on Performance In Motion. When his wife watched the story on TV, she recommended that he come through the program to figure out new ways in which he could generate income for the family. His wife had to travel for her job, but wanted to stay home more with the kids as they were going through their high school years. Mark thought the best way to boost his income would be getting some side jobs doing what he does best – telling short stories for businesses.
At the same time, Mark also wanted help with his golf game. He was constantly playing up the right side of the fairway because of his slice. He always thought first to change his technique in order to “fix” his game, but he never realized that he could learn how to change by watching what the ball was doing in the air.

Mark worked on club throwing to better understand his natural swing and how he could focus on the target while still feeling his swing. He began playing down the left-hand side of the fairway when needed, based on focusing on the target and detaching from the interference of grip, stance, and swing. Lower scores soon followed.
Once Mark realized the importance of focusing on the target in golf, he began to see how he could apply the same principles to his work and personal life. He began to re-think what was really important to him and his family, and how he could change things up. After 18 years of being an award-winning reporter, he had hit the maximum income for his skill level at his position, realizing that there was not any opportunity to move forward financially. It was time for him to move onto a job outside the company. The coaching process allowed him to see all of the possibilities and reflect on which jobs would be the best fit for him and his family.
Mark was able to find a job at Anytime Fitness, traveling around the country and using his expertise of telling stories. The stories he tells now are about how fitness has changed people’s lives. He has seen an increase in his income, and his wife has been able stay home with their kids more often at a very important stage in their lives. Mark has also reached many of his golf goals, but more importantly he continues to enjoy the game and reflect on the coaching process that he received at Performance In Motion.
The Journey (beyond organized coaching)
Mark continues to apply what he learned in the coaching process from Performance In Motion to his every day life weather in business, family and on the course. When I interview our clients I can continue to see possibilities and turn them into reality.
DryTech Restoration

Paul and Kevin (Owners) enrolled their team in the Discovery program. They saw a need to develop their team members to take on new challenges in order so they could grow the business, while developing a culture of possibilities and clear intention within staff members. They wanted their staff members to be empowered to think out side of what they learned in their day today jobs. People often fear change, the Discovery gathered the staff together through a 3 month period of group and individual coaching to develop staff and leaders to develop new mind sets and take ownership in the changes that they could make all make to be better at what they did as a team and Individuals.
The executive all attended the Discover serious. It required a 3 month period of time with 3 half day workshops and some individual coaching sessions. This required a process for individual and team goals. Performance In Motion customized the three workshops called the Power Of Focus, create and clarifying vision to meet the needs of the DryTech . It required everyone attending to do the work needed in the workshops so that they could produce a clear intention as a team and individual.
Paul and Kevin (owners) began to see the changes that they needed to make in order to empower their staff. They began to see their staff becoming more engaged in their work. The whole team had developed a common language that allowed for a heathy culture within the team. Team members began to open up and communicate to one another. It became a culture in which staff members want to help one another. Some employees realized that they were in the wrong position and realized they needed to leave the company. As the staff became more engaged, they began to enjoy their work, thus more productive.
The Journey (Beyond organized coaching)
Paul and Kevin continue to put together their own goals and vision in which they share with the key leaders of the company. They have develop a team and culture within their organization that thrives on respect and honor for the betterment of their clients while the whole team benefits.
Joe Business Attorney (General Counsel for an Insurance Company)
Joe was seeking to become a better golfer. He new that his mental game was getting in the way of him playing better. He had also experience some interference at work. The company that Joe worked for was taken over by an out of state company, and Joe would have to move to their headquarters to keep his job. Joe wanted to stay in town to be with family and friends.

Joe signed up for the Discovery program for golfers and business. Joe has a passion for making a difference with people in business and a love for the game of golf. Their was a correlation with the two. Both business and in golf there was a perception vs. the reality. In golf Joe thought that he could get better by fixing just his swing. The harder he worked on his swing, the worse his game would get.
In Business Joe was enjoying his work as the head counsel and was planning on remaining with this company for the rest of his career. However the company had planned to shift gears and was moving out of state. Though the coaching process Joe had developed new tools for how he could ask critical questions to pull out answers in others in business.
In golf Joe began to use his creative mind to play the game. He learned how to let go of bad shots faster, focus on targets and let go of interference.
In Business, since the company was moving to another state and Joe didn't want to move, he had to make a decision. He had concerns that his job would be eliminated. Joe was in limbo not knowing where he stood. In the Discovery program, Joe learned he could get better results by being pro-active. He went to management and forced the issue by asking for clarity on his future with the company. He was offered a good position with the company going forward, but would have to move to company headquarters. Or, the company would allow him to stay on through the end of the year, and they would help in in his search for a new job. So, Joe stayed on finishing up projects, decided to look for other positions in Minnesota, and was given a good severance package on his way out the door. While wrapping up work at his old company, Joe used his networking connections and landed a similar General Counsel position with a good Minneapolis company..
With less interference, and more clarity in his business life, Joe began to see improvement in his game of golf in which he could relate to business and life while having more fun playing the game.
Mark Sales Executive

Mark had benefited from the program several years ago but now was facing new challenges. He had recently went through a divorce and found his golf game had went from a 13 handicap to a 20 and rising. He was losing focus in both business and golf. The passion for his game and the structure he had in business wasn’t dialed into peak performance.
In golf Mark was working hard on his golf game but still getting worse. He had no connection to the target and was getting worse the more he played. The fun of the game was lost. We had reconnected to the target by throwing clubs and developing an awareness of what he was thinking and feeling.
We also used a tool called focus band to help Mark understand the difference of his focus when at the conference table vs. on the first tee. At first Mark had a hard time holding the target when addressing the ball. Mark had soon developed a reconnection to the target, his energy changed to excitement and joy for the game.
In Business Mark had become aware of how critical he was of himself. He had set up a new strategy by set up daily/weekly/monthly goals to achieve a clear intention.
Mark is enjoying his work and golf game with clear intentions. The let downs are becoming opportunities to self-discover, reset and refocus on the things he can control with a firm belief both on and off the course.
Don Beaupre

Minneapolis-based Beaupre Aerial specializes in the lease and repair of commercial hydraulic aerial lifts. Owned and operated by former NHL goaltender Don Beaupre, the 25-plus employee company prides itself on applying the strengths of teamwork to deliver unmatched service.
Over the last decade, the company has steadily increased market share and built a loyal customer base. Bottom-line performance has been strong. However, from his 17 years of experience as an elite athlete working in a team setting, Beaupre knew that something in his workplace dynamic was preventing the company from achieving its true potential.
Beaupre is an avid golfer, and he learned about a one-of-a-kind program that leverages golf as medium for enhancing business leadership skills and team performance. The program is called Performance In Motion, with workshops run by award-winning
PGA golf teaching/coaching professional Dan DeMuth. Performance In Motion uses the obvious mind-body connection in golf to demonstrate how the proper goal setting, focus and attitude will yield superior performance in business, both at the individual and team levels.
“I knew from my hockey years that even strong teams can benefit from outside expertise, because these people see things about us that we can’t see on the inside,” Beaupre said. “We enrolled in Performance In Motion at a critical time when the economy was struggling and we needed to make some tough decisions. I saw this program as a fun way to get all my employees involved to identify where we could improve. Plus, we could improve our golf games along the way.”
In February of 2009, the management and sales team from Beaupre Aerial team arrived at the Performance In Motion facility, which includes a multimedia conference area and full-service indoor golf facility equipped with video capture. The program
began with team members filling out a brief assessment asking some tough questions, followed by some fascinating exercises showing the power of focus and positive thinking on tangible outcomes. They learned that this wasn’t just another motivational program. Through experiential learning using golf as the medium, the team discovered how quickly they could change their business and personal goals.
Next, the team moved into the golf area to complete a putting exercise and hit some balls with video feedback, followed by a club-throwing exercise, also on camera. Why the videotaped club throwing? To show the team that when people focus on a target rather than worrying about how they might be judged, they become more fluid in the process, and more aware of how to focus on their target and goals at work. Regardless of skill level, the entire team was engaged in one another and having fun, while gaining new levels of awareness that could be easily applied to the business.
Lastly, the team had to establish a concrete vision for where it wanted Beaupre Aerial to be in one year, as well as in five years and even a decade down the road. Some tough questions were asked. What was the dream? What barriers could be standing in the way of the company’s goals, and how can they be removed?
“Many busy companies get stuck in a black-and-white perspective and become closed off to the possibilities, while individual employees struggle with reduced confidence through outside interference,” DeMuth said. “The workshops helped Beaupre Aerial learn the nuances of coaching rather than teaching, which empowers employees to exercise greater control of their own situations. This helps them feel more confident both about themselves and their work, which leads to better business outcomes.”
Through the increased skills and awareness the team developed while working with Performance In Motion, Beaupre Aerial has gained more than 90 additional clients within the first three months — a particularly impressive number considering this
improvement occurred during a severe economic recession. Lease rates jumped 42 percent in the first year.
Positive program results also found their way to the golf course for both Beaupre and his team manager. During the program, Beaupre set a goal of posting four rounds in the 70s, which he set after only five rounds played. His team manager shot a 31 and 32 on a par-36 nine-hole course, both personal bests.
Performance In Motion is now a mandatory component of job training for every new Beaupre Aerial employee.“I had no idea we would get so much out of this,” Beaupre said. “Performance In Motion initially appealed to me as a fun team building experience centered on golf, and it certainly delivered in that regard. But I am amazed by how much this program has positively impacted our bottom line. We broadened our perspectives, became better listeners to one another and our clients, and saw a huge improvement in our business and morale because of it.”