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Busnss Coaching Success | Performance In Motion



Bonnie C - CM Information Specialist
Busness Coahing | Performance In Motion


Bonnie came to Performance In Motion for business coaching. After 22 years of running her business, CM Information Specialists, she knew she needed to find ways to do it outside of herself.  She had doubts that were preventing her company from achieving its potential, and her company’s management team had a similar mindset. It was important for Bonnie to learn to let go. Like most business owners letting go of control to grow the business is not always easy. Performance In Motion helped me to broaden my perspectives, and become aware of how to coach my management team to become leaders.

On the golf side, Bonnie never really considered herself a golfer and had doubts on the course. The medium of golf was crucial because she realized she could do things she did not think were possible on the course. Knowing that she was capable of these breakthroughs on the course, she also recognized that she was capable of much more in her business.


Through Performance In Motion, Bonnie and her team learned that their thoughts controlled their performance and they needed to develop better thought processes for success. It was important for them not to get stuck in the daily motions of business and look forward to where they wanted to be. Bonnie compared her business challenges to those she recognized in golf: “We find out the target is not the ball nor how to hit the ball, but the target is where we want the ball to go. We used to get stuck in the process; now we have set our intention on the target, with techniques that allow us to remain open to the possibilities.”

In order to help Bonnie and her team look forward, we focused on their vision. By creating a vision, they could then determine which steps to take in order to achieve it. One strategy we used to plan out achieving this vision was customized scorecards for the business. On these scorecards, each member filled out a number of goals – par-3 goals (short-term), par-4 goals (a little farther out), and par-5 goals (long-term) – for business. By sharing their visions with each other, they began to recognize what was important to their team members, creating synergy within the group. By knowing what was important to their co-workers in life, each member could help the others work towards their goals.

In the short-term, Bonnie and her team saw increased sales and profitability. Within two and a half years, their sales had tripled. Bonnie also saw communication improve within her management team. As a result, all members were engaged and working toward common goals. During the process, the team also became more aware of their clients’ needs, so they could not only provide better service they could also expand into other areas.

They also prepared their business to be attracted and sold in a way that allowed the buyer to step into the company and take over with an easy transition. 


The Journey (beyond organized coaching)


After a 8 year run with Performance In Motion, Bonnie had sold her company and it was time to transition out of the company and move into retirement. Bonnie continues to use the tools and techniques that she learned in Performance In Motion to apply to several boards that she serves on, family communications and the joy that she has playing golf and traveling with her husband.

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